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  We present to you  the success story of Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla  , in  the Emad Store  and the Golden Plus Store  , through which  iPhone  and Android applications and games   and technical topics are continuously presented.

The success story  of Elon Musk, founder of Tesla

The success story of Elon Musk, the chief executive of the Tesla Police, which specializes in the auto industry, goes through many stops that led him to become the second richest man in the world for a while (he lost some of it). (For some reason he was the richest ever), what is the success story of Elon Musk, and how he is one of the richest men of the year has he become

Elon Musk's childhood

When his parents realized his interest in this field, they sent him to a Canadian university at the age of 17, where he completed his research. But that did not last long, and he turned to the study of economics to consider the field of entrepreneurship.

Elon Musk's tips for success

  1. Elon Musk leaves no chance, but there are other things that are more important than that, so he advises young people not to give them the most valuable money in their life. 
  2.   Do not hesitate to set big goals in your life, and he realizes that it is impossible to achieve them in reality because he sees the impossible as not being in life. 
  3.   In addition, she continues to inspire and motivate young people to pursue their passion in life without worrying about the opinions of others.

Elon Musk's successes and projects

  • After merging the companies Infinity and X.com, he founded the PayPal website and company, making it the world's first online bank. Therefore, he is the owner of the idea of ​​electronic banking.
  • He founded the first private spaceflight company, and his company SpaceX launched the first commercial space rocket in 2012, so NASA contracted to move the equipment into space without using a shuttle.
  • He founded the Tesla Motor Company. Tesla Motor Corporation manufactures a giant Tesla car with a 100% safety rating, which makes it the car of choice for most of the world's bosses and ranks among the four fastest cars in the world.
  • It has developed an integrated plan aimed at providing the Internet to the whole world, and the implementation of this plan began with the launch of more than 400 satellites into space, and this project was called "Connecting the mind with computers and the Internet." shoot her.
  • It is trying to establish the first human settlement on Mars in just eight years, announced at this year's official conference.

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