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Source: Pinterest 

 What is Pinterest

Pinterest can be likened to a bulletin board, but with more features and features, where you can upload images and videos to it and others can like and comment on it, and among the most popular uses of Pinterest are food and drink recipes where you can share your famous food or recipes, and who follows you can click On the photo to open a path for example preparing this recipe.

Features of the Pinterest app for iPhone and Android

  1. Pinterest is a great app that is used as a virtual diary to jot down the information we have in mind.
  2. It is easy to use without being complicated.
  3. The app is available in an organized and coordinated format where there is a menu, clothing, art, and more.
  4. Private ideas can be shared on social media.
  5. It is characterized by sending all the posts to the people you know on the site.
  6. You can register on the site with Facebook or Twitter.
  7. The application is characterized by its small size and does not take up space on the phone.
  8. It offers many distinct and different ideas for easy choice between all the complicated things that cause you confusion.
  9. The application is free and you do not have to pay a fee to enter it.
  10. It is available on the Google Play Store, the most famous and widespread on the Internet.
  11. It has achieved great popularity and liked by a large number of users.

Pinterest Origins

Pinterest was launched by Ben Silberman, Paul Ciara and Evan Sharp in March of 2010, and since that time the number of its users has grown exponentially until, according to the latest Pinterest statistics, it has reached 250 million people per month.

Some important terms for Pinterest

  • Pin: Used to add or share a post (photo or video).
  • Board: The wall you are adding the post to.
  • Follow: To follow the Pinterest account and view its latest posts.

The difference between Instagram and Pinterest

Some people may be confused to distinguish between Instagram and Pinterest, so in this paragraph we will mention the differences between them.

  • Instagram allows its users to take photos or videos, then process them and upload them to their personal page and get interaction and comments from their friends and followers on their life events, while in Pinterest the user tends to follow and comment on other people’s posts, and through the search he will be able to access distinctive and attractive recipes and products.
  • In Pinterest, when downloading certain content from the Internet, you must pin (pin). This pin will take you to a website outside of Pinterest where you find the location of that content, but on Instagram the link is the same as in the bio.
  • Pinterest enables you to annotate and insert what you want to explain about your boards that you place on your wall, which increases interaction with people, while Instagram cares more about the real experiences of its users.

Download Pinterest for iPhone and Android

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